Help your customer self-actualize

"When GDP per capita was held constant, the indicators for human capital, creative class, and tolerance were all positively related to life satisfaction..."

A report by Jason Rentfrow and Charlotta Mellander, "Socioeconomic St…


"When GDP per capita was held constant, the indicators for human capital, creative class, and tolerance were all positively related to life satisfaction..."

A report by Jason Rentfrow and Charlotta Mellander, "Socioeconomic Structures and Happiness", shows that once GDP levels out and the gross of people have a steady income, factors such as human capital, creativity and tolerance are key indicators for how happy a country is. Once a sense of security is achieved, society climbs up Maslow's hierarchy to fulfill other needs. 

Companies need to realize this and understand that esteem needs are being met. Take that step further and help the customer in their search for self-actualization. 
  • Help the customer be creative
  • Be connected WITH the customer
  • Be engaged with the customer
  • Be transparent
  • Be good

When was the last time you helped your customer transform?

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