Why social thinking should permeate everything

Thomas Crampton interviews Martin Sorrell.

  • Social media should permeate everything an agency does. 
  • Break away from silos. 
  • Congregate your agency around clients, don't huddle them in disciplines.

It's an interesting interview with one of the most respected business men in the business and one of the most respected thought leaders of the business. One of the things Martin Sorrell emphasized was the requirement for big agencies to permeate the social element into all the separate silos that an agency usually consists of. Thomas then goes on to talk about congregating agency players around clients and breaking them away from the disciplines.

An additional element is the consumer. Agency as partners should sit side by side with the client and huddle around their consumers. Find their core group and strengthen/grow their relationship with them. As an agency, steer your client to huddle around the consumer and have a human talk with them. To build that relationship and give them useful brand and customer experiences.